
Asus Notebook A43JP A53JR K43SC K43U K53 K53SV-SX131V X43SD X53E-RH51 X53SV-SX213V X54HB A31-K53 A41-K53 A32-K53 A42-K53 6 Cell Laptop Battery

Original price was: ₨4,500.00.Current price is: ₨4,000.00.

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Asus A32-K53 6 Cell Laptop Battery

We will send a high-quality Asus A31-K53 Battery compatible with the listed model. This is the finest quality Laptop A32-K53 Battery available in the market it will replace your faulty (original) laptop Battery. You can expect an optimum level of performance just like you were experiencing with your original laptop Battery. The new Asus A32-K53 Battery will meet all the specifications so you can experience a consistent performance out of your laptop. There is no need to worry about the reliability of the product as the replacement Asus A32-K53 Laptop Battery we ship go through proper quality assurance processes. It is a perfect replacement battery, and on the top price is also very competitive.


Condition: 100% Brand New

Type: Li-ion

Number of Cells: 6Cells

Output: 10.8V


Warranty: 2 Month


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